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When it comes to operating a forklift, safety should always be a top priority. These powerful machines are used in a variety of industries for lifting and moving heavy loads, but they can also be dangerous if not operated properly. With the potential for serious accidents and injuries, operators must follow these forklift safety tips provided by CFE Equipment, a leading provider of forklifts and material handling equipment.


Properly Train and Certify Operators

How Many Forklifts Do I Need?

It is important to always properly train and certify forklift operators as part of staying safe with these forklift safety tips. Operating a forklift requires specialized skills and knowledge, and without proper training and certification, operators may not be aware of potential hazards or how to navigate them safely. A lack of exercise can also lead to improper use of forklifts, resulting in accidents and injuries. By ensuring that operators are properly trained and certified, the risk of accidents can be greatly reduced, promoting a safe work environment for both the operators and those working around them.


Conduct Daily Inspections

Forklift Engineer In Warehouse

Conducting daily inspections is an essential part of staying safe while operating a forklift because it helps to identify and address potential safety hazards before they cause accidents or injuries. Regularly checking for issues like faulty brakes, worn tires, or damaged controls can prevent equipment malfunctions that could lead to dangerous situations. Additionally, performing daily inspections can also ensure that the forklift is in proper working condition and compliant with safety standards, reducing the risk of accidents and promoting a safe working environment. Therefore, incorporating daily inspections into a forklift safety protocol is crucial for preventing accidents and keeping both operators and others in the workplace safe. 


Wear the Appropriate Safety Equipment

Forklift Operator

Wearing the appropriate safety equipment is an essential part of staying safe while operating a forklift because it provides protection against potential hazards. A forklift operator is exposed to various dangers such as falling objects, loud noises, chemicals, and collisions. Wearing a hard hat, high visibility vest, and safety glasses can prevent head and eye injuries. Additionally, wearing steel-toed boots can protect the feet from potential crushing accidents. By wearing the appropriate safety equipment, the forklift operator is taking proactive measures to reduce the risk of harm and ensuring their overall safety while operating the forklift.


Follow Speed Limits

CFE Equipment Corporation

Following speed limits is an important aspect of staying safe while operating a forklift. Speed limits are put in place for a reason and disregarding them can lead to accidents, injuries, and even fatalities. By following speed limits, you are ensuring that you have better control of the forklift, can react quickly in case of unexpected obstacles, and are able to navigate around other workers and equipment safely. Additionally, adhering to speed limits demonstrates responsible and cautious behavior, promoting a culture of safety in the workplace. Overall, following speed limits is crucial for maintaining a safe and secure environment while operating a forklift.


Keep a Clear Field of Vision

forklift operator

Keeping a clear field of vision is a crucial aspect of forklift safety as it allows the operator to have a complete view of their surroundings, which helps them to identify potential hazards and avoid accidents. A clear field of vision also enables the operator to maneuver the forklift more accurately and efficiently, reducing the risk of collisions with objects or people. This safety measure ensures that the operator is aware of their surroundings at all times, making it an essential component of staying safe while operating a forklift.


Properly Load and Unload

Forklift Servicing

Properly loading and unloading a forklift is essential for the safety of both the operator and those working around the forklift. Without following the proper procedures, the forklift could tip over, causing serious injury or damage. By staying safe and adhering to forklift safety tips, such as properly loading and unloading, the risk of accidents and injuries can be significantly reduced. This not only protects the individuals operating the forklift but also promotes a safe working environment for everyone in the vicinity. Therefore, it is crucial for operators to understand and follow proper loading and unloading procedures as part of overall forklift safety measures.


Use Caution on Ramps and Inclines

Using caution on ramps and inclines is crucial for staying safe while operating a forklift. Ramps and inclines can be dangerous for forklifts due to the increased risk of tipping over or losing control. The weight distribution of the forklift can become unstable, especially when carrying a heavy load, making it more susceptible to tipping. Additionally, the incline of the surface can affect the forklift’s ability to stop or maneuver properly. By using caution and following proper safety protocols such as reducing speed and keeping a safe distance from the edge of the incline, forklift operators can prevent accidents and ensure their own safety and the safety of those around them.


Never Leave a Running Forklift Unattended

Attentive Female Worker Doing Forklift Inspection

Leaving a running forklift unattended is not only a safety risk, but it can also result in theft. Always turn off the forklift, engage the parking brake, and remove the key before stepping away. This will prevent unauthorized individuals from operating the forklift and potentially causing harm.


Avoid Distracted Driving

Forklift Maintenance

Just like operating a car, it is important to avoid any distractions while driving a forklift. This includes using cell phones, eating, or engaging in any other activities that take your attention away from the task at hand. One moment of distraction can result in a serious accident.


Plan for Emergencies

Man Inspecting A Forklift

In the event of an emergency, forklift operators should be trained on the proper procedures to follow. This includes knowing how to safely exit the vehicle in case of a tip-over, how to stop the forklift in case of a malfunction, and how to use the fire extinguisher if necessary.




By following these forklift safety tips provided by CFE Equipment, operators can help prevent accidents and injuries in the workplace. Employers should also regularly review and reinforce these safety measures with their employees to ensure a safe working environment. Remember, safety always comes first when operating a forklift. Contact us here at CFE Equipment now or visit us on our LinkedIn.


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